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SEAL APW Service Configuration File

General Information

The configuration of SEAL APW Service is specified in the following file:

C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\apw-rest.yml

The file is in YML format.

Hint - env section

The env section contains environment variables for SEAL APW REST service in the form of key value pairs. These take precedence over otherwise defined environment variables.

Caution - restart SEAL APW REST service

Restart SEAL APW REST Service after changing the configuration file.

Sample File

Example of apw-rest.yml

  LOG_LEVEL: 'debug'
  PORT: 8085
  # TLS_CIPHERS: '' # see
  TLS_DIR_EXTERNAL: 'C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\tls-external'
  # Filter of hosts for admin routes access, default 'localhost' for using on management servers, '' otherwise
  # Authentication for common routes
  # AUTH_TYPE: 'basic'
  # Authentication for admin routes
  # AUTH_ADMIN_TYPE: 'basic'
  url: 'ldap://foo.local'
  baseDN: 'DC=foo,DC=local'
  username: 'user@foo.local'
  password: 'secret'
  urlPathTranslations: '/apw-rest/translations/sealapw'
  urlPathAllPrinters: '/apw-rest/printers/all'
  urlPathMyPrinters: '/apw-rest/printers/my'
  urlPathDefaultPrinter: '/apw-rest/printers/default'
  urlPathHelp: ''  # optional URL to show a help button in SEALAPW
  forceUpdateTranslations: '1'
  forceUserName: '0'
  columnNamesForFilter: 'city room zipcode trays street printertype building duplex floor color'
  columnNamesForPrinterList: 'name comment city zipcode street building floor room trays printertype duplex color'
  columnNamesForInstalledPrinterList: 'name comment location model jobcount'
  # createPort: 'SEAL' or 'LPR' to prefer Plossys netdome 4 or P5 systems
  createPortName: 'PLS_$QUEUE:'
  createPortCmdAfterSpool: '"$SEALAPWDIR\send2pls.exe" -plotter $OMQUEUE -nomsg -lbrandom -serverlist "$QUEUESERVERS" -failoverhost "$QUEUEFAILOVERSERVERS" -file'
  createPortLogDir: '%TEMP%'
  createPortSpoolDir: '%TEMP%'
  createPrintProcessor: 'WinPrint'
  createPortRunAsLSA: '0'
  'windows8/createPortLogDir': 'C:\Windows\temp'
  'windows8/createPortSpoolDir': 'C:\Windows\temp'
  'windows8/createPortRunAsLSA': '1'
  createDriver: 'SEAL Systems PS OMS Generic'
  omsType: 'PLOSSYS'
  omsPort: '7225'
  # omsRestType: 'RESTV1'  # For SEAL driver to using SEAL APW REST interface to receive OMS configuration
  # omsRestUri: 'https://$SEALAPWRESTHOST:8085/apw-rest/omsconfig'  # URI to SEAL APW REST interface for receiving OMS configuration
  printAfterSpooled: '1'
  showAboutButton: '0'
  # useLocalPrinterForMultiUserEnv: '1'
  # templateForMappedNameInMultiUserEnv: '$OMQUEUE'
  # deleteMethodForMultiUserEnv: 'RemoveACL' # Supported values: 'RemoveACL', 'RemovePrinterIfUnused', 'RemovePrinterAndJobsIfUnused'
  # serviceReadOnly: '1' # Informs the APW client that the APW service is in read only mode  

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